
Probe Software Resources

Probe Software provides a wealth of user resources for our customers and the global microanalysis community at large.

Probe Software EPMA User Forum

Our EPMA User Forum provides a setting for discussion of EPMA hardware topics, including JEOL, Cameca, Shimadzu, Bruker, Thermo and Oxford.

In addition we have microanalysis software topics, including Probe Software (CalcZAF, Standard, Probe for EPMA, Probe Image, CalcImage, etc.), NIST DTSA2, BadgerFilm, STRATAGem and the JEOL OEM and Cameca OEM software applications.

You will also find discussion of many other microanalytical methods and techniques, such as sample preparation, standard materials, lab management, etc.

See what more than 800 scientists from around the world are learning and sharing about EPMA/SEM microanalysis.

Post your own questions about microanalysis, EPMA and SEM and hear back from scientific experts in the field.

Register as a member, get access to many of the “hidden” topical boards, and enjoy what our forum members have access to…

Our EPMA user forum is free and open to all!

Probe Software EPMA User Forum
Probe Software EPMA user forum image 1
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Probe Software YouTube channel

Probe Software YouTube Channel

Our Probe Software YouTube channel provides numerous short video tutorials on many aspects of configuration, acquisition, automation, analysis and data interpretation in our Probe for EPMA, Probe Image and CalcImage software products.

You will also find all of our in depth webinars given by experts in the field of EPMA on introductory, intermediate and advanced EPMA and microanalysis topics!

Probe Software YouTube Channel

Probe Software Updates

Probe Software is continually working on improving and updating its products based on user feedback and new developments in the field of EPMA microanalysis.

The current version of CalcZAF/Standard and Probe for EPMA is 14.0.1 and the current version of Probe Image is 1.4.8, both which support JEOL 8900/8800, 8200/8100/8500, 8230/8530 and iSP100/iHP200F and Cameca SX100/SXFive/SXFive tactis instruments. 

To update your Probe Software applications simply utilize the Help | Update… menus in CalcZAF or Probe for EPMA.

Our CalcZAF/Standard download is free. Probe for EPMA is also available free for simulation, teaching and re-processing of previously acquired EPMA data (note that Probe for EPMA requires CalcZAF to be installed also).

Please contact Probe Software for downloading Probe Image.

Update Probe for EPMA menu

Remote and Matrix COM Utilities

Probe Software provides the Remote and Matrix interfaces for advanced user to write their own applications

Remote and Matrix are Active X executable servers that may be utilized from any application client that supports Active X OLE Automation.

Applications that meet this criteria include most Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, Access and Explorer and development environments such as Visual Basic 6.0 and higher and C++.

These utilities provide access through the Microsoft Common Object Model (COM).

The Remote interface allows control of EPMA instruments supported by Probe for EPMA.

The Matrix interface provides an interface for performing matrix corrections supported by Probe for EPMA.

testremote success


Please contact us for references, testimonials, additional information, documentation and brochures.