Export All EPMA Data To Excel or Other Plotting Applications
Probe Software provides automated presentation quality graphics in our Probe for EPMA and CalcImage applications with user specified and custom exporting to Excel and other data management applications, via tab delimited ASCII text files.
Quickly and easily export all data types in Probe for EPMA including: raw- k-ratios, elemental, oxide, atomic, mole, formula basis, detection limits, analytical sensitivities, homogeneity criteria, time dependent intensities (TDI), statistics and more.
We provide Golden Software’s Grapher application for high quality presentation output of point analyses and statistics in Probe for EPMA. We also provide the Surfer application from Golden Software for presentation quality output for X-ray maps in CalcImage.
We also utilize the GigaSoft graphics libraries for presentation quality output of standard/unknown sample and wavescan data, KLM markers and background fitting models in Probe for EPMA.
Built in zoom and pan features for all plots with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Fast and Easy Presentation Quality Output of Quant Maps
We provide Golden Software’s Surfer application for presentation quality output of quantitative x-ray maps, including elemental, oxide, atomic concentration maps.
Presentation quality output also includes net intensity, background intensity and k-ratio maps, in addition to output of formula basis, detection limit, analytical sensitivity, matrix correction and TDI correction maps.
Create quantitative slice, polygon extraction and vertical/horizontal strip averaging of X-ray maps in addition to modal phase graphical output with just a few click of your mouse.
All presentation output is automatically saved as JPEG images.
Further customize these presentation quality graphics directly in the Grapher or Surfer applications as desired.
Change fonts, color scales, axis formats and much more, easily and quickly.