CalcZAF and Standard Modeling Utilities for SEM/EPMA
CalcZAF is intended for calculations on unknown compositions (k-ratios and matrix corrections), while Standard performs calculations on known compositions (searching, matching, modeling).
CalcZAF and Standard are excellent off-line EPMA calculation utilities for both teaching and research.

CalcZAF: Modeling Unknown Compositions
CalcZAF is a FREE modeling/calculation utility for SEM/EPMA that includes calculation of ZAF and Phi-Rho-Z matrix correction parameters from arbitrary compositions with 11 different analytical models to choose from and compare, and 6 different mass absorption coefficient tables for a total of 66 different quantitative options.
To install CalcZAF and Standard simply download the CalcZAF.msi file using the button below and double click the installer. The setup wizard will take you through the installation process. PENEPMA 2012 is automatically installed by the installer.
Once installed on your computer, CalcZAF and Standard can be automatically updated to the latest available version simply by using the Help | Update CalcZAF menu.
- CalcZAF accepts compositions to calculate intensities or calculates composition from intensities using normalized k-ratios, raw k-ratios or unknown and standard counts.
- CalcZAF calculates binary compositional and empirical intensity datasets for plotting error histograms to evaluate matrix methods.
- CalcZAF applies geometric corrections to intensities for particles (cubes, prisms, spheres and fibers) and thin films based on various adjustable parameters.
- CalcZAF has powerful tools for calculating detection limits and x-ray and electron transmission ranges in compounds.
- CalcZAF also supports fast Monte Carlo calculations using polynomial alpha factors derived from PENEPMA Monte Carlo k-ratio calculations. These alpha factor parameters provide high speed Monte Carlo calculations for arbitrary compositions.
Additional CalcZAF Features
Monte Carlo Modeling
CalcZAF includes easy to use GUIs for PENEPMA and PENFLUOR Monte Carlo modeling of bulk, particle and thin film geometric models plus matric corrections for thin film and particle quantitative analysis (based on Armstrong/Brown geometry code).
Model arbitrary sample geometries and secondary fluorescence from phase boundaries easily.Extensive Documentation
Detailed technical documentation is included with the CalcZAF download and also available in our EPMA User Form. On-line data reference tables include: spectrometer position, emission lines, absorption edges, fluorescent yields, NIST x-ray tables and mass absorption coefficients. Quantitative modal phase analysis based on standard compositions and X-ray and electron range modeling.
Calculate Error Distributions
CalcZAF calculates error distribution histograms from experimental k-ratios and Bence-Albee alpha factor compositional plotting. Calculate detection limits for given conditions or conditions for given detection limit.
Compositional searching and matching from multiple standard composition databases. Import/export raw K-ratios or count data.Numerous Calculation Options
CalcZAF includes a complete selection of CITZAF absorption, atomic number, etc. corrections (both traditional ZAF and modern pr(z) methods). Includes Heinrich, Henke, FFAST and/or Empirical mass absorption coefficients. Calculate any combination of elemental, oxide, element by specification, difference, relative to stoichiometric oxygen or any element, as well as formula, atomic percent, mineral end-member calculations.
Standard: Modeling Known Compositions
The CalcZAF download also includes our Standard application, a compositional database utility for modeling analytical calculations and Monte Carlo electron-solid effects.
- Use Standard for modeling of known compositions with an easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for PENEPMA and PENFLUOR/FANAL for fast modeling of secondary fluorescence from boundary phases.
- Standard includes several composition reference databases (NIST, Deere, Howie and Zussman, Dana’s ore minerals).
- Standard is a full featured compositional database utility with k-factor, matrix, backscatter and x-ray intensity modeling.