About Probe Software, Inc.
EPMA Software for Users by Users
Probe Software was founded in 2005 by Barbara and John Donovan and is dedicated to offering the best software for acquisition, automation and analysis for modern JEOL and Cameca electron microprobe instruments. We work closely with all of our users which include top experts and analytical scientists at major universities, national laboratories and commercial sites to provide EPMA software that meets their specific analytical requirements.
We work interactively and cooperatively with commercial microanalysis instrument and hardware manufacturers to integrate their hardware and software with our software for seamless acquisition and re-processing.
Probe Software, Inc. is a SAM certified small business.

We Specialize in EPMA Software
We do not sell hardware; instead we specialize in producing state-of-the-art Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) software and are solely committed to producing the best user interface possible for your EPMA instrument.
We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and in delivering the most robust and flexible product on the market. In addition to our expert beta testers, we publish all our algorithms and methods in the peer reviewed literature so you can be assured that every aspect of our software has been reviewed and tested by top professionals in the field of EPMA.

We work with other scientific software vendors such Golden Software and ProEssentials (GigaSoft) to provide the best GUI available.
Our complete physics source code is available on the Open Microanalysis site hosted on GitHub.
We Work With Our Customers
Most importantly, we listen to our extensive customer base and are constantly incorporating suggestions and requests and turning them into actual features that empower you to do, with a single mouse click, what you could previously only imagine. Our complete focus is on making the best software product possible for electron microprobes for users by users.
Is there an analytical procedure that you’ve needed, or a laboratory method you’d like implemented? Contact us and you’ll probably find that it’s already in our software, but if not, we’d like to hear about what you need as an analytical scientist!