Lab Management Tools

Laboratory Management Tools from Probe Software

Probe Software provides a large number of useful applications for general laboratory management.

Track your user hours automatically and export to Excel for billing, evaluate your standard accuracy quickly and easily, acquire mosaic images of your standard mounts, write custom applications to control your instrument, etc., etc.


Search all files for standard intensities for a specified condition to check spectrometer/crystal intensity stability over time.

Tabulate standard intensities for a set of data files to check instrument stability based on various parameters, e.g., spectrometer, crystal, keV, etc. over time.

Export to Excel or other plotting programs to monitor spectrometer/detector stability and health.

drift application
Drift data exported to Excel


Plot k-ratios or intensities versus composition of standards to check for internal consistency

Compare your standards to each other to find problematic compositions.  

Plot calculated compositions or k-ratios versus “published” concentrations to check for internal consistency between standards.

Plot variation plots of raw data or quant data to evaluate compositional variation in unknowns and/or standard samples.

Evaluate standard plot
Evaluate application variation plot

Remote Server

Automation utility for Excel/Matlab, etc. for custom instrument  interfacing

Write your own instrument acquisition and automation applications in Excel/MatLab/LabView, etc. for custom applications such as this example in LabView

Remote documentation
labview main screen


Utility to search for text or samples within any/all probe database files

Search for specific element/sample setups from previous probe runs without opening each probe database.

Search a single directory or all sub folders automatically.

search application


General stage and digitizing utility, includes our automated mosaic acquisition feature.

The Stage utility provides several basic stage functions including standard mount digitization and position confirmation.

Stage also can acquire mosaic images of large sample areas.

open stagemap calibrate window
stage mosaic imaging button


User hourly usage utility to generate month billing or reporting.

The UserWin application displays and exports to Excel all probe usage (and acquisition time) usage by users and clients for monthly billing.

UserWin also outputs usage statistics based on custom data fields for proposals and reports.

userwin app
userwin output custom fields

Additional Miscelleneous Laboratory Management Tools


Calculates evaporation coating thickness from a given evaporation radius, wire diameter and length.


Faraday cup and beam utility for testing Faraday cup response.


General spectrometer and counting utility. Includes spectrometer calibration methods for Z height Rowland circle adjustment.