Here's a completely different and somewhat newly modified data output option that works very nicely in PFE for the calculation of "chemical ages" of monazites, by measuring U, Th, Pb (and Y and La for interference corrections on Pb). From the Analyze! window Calculation Option dialog one can turn this option on or off for selected samples as seen here:
In addition please note the use of the calculation options for specifying CePO4 by difference so one obtains an accurate matrix correction without measuring all the REEs elements (they all produce similar matrix effects for the trace elements). This option produces the following output to the log window including the calculated U from Pb, Th from Pb, calculated Pb and chemical age:
Note the approximately 50% relative interference correction of Th interfering with U ma!
The TIMS age of this sample, Moacyr monazite is around 506 Mya, so we are within a single (rough) standard deviation. For export of this data one can also use the Output | Output U, Th and Pb Age Calculations and obtain Excel output as seen here: