Here are quantitative compositional maps acquired using the JEOL freeshape routine.
A summary of what is done, here for setup using JEOL 8200 (applies to 8200,8500, freeshape not available in 8900 software). This is not a manual, just a guide.
1. Probe for EPMA: Calibrate quant run setup using MAN background calibration; use analytical setup to allow multiple pass WDS mapping. Make a new sample of type unknown with parameters for mapping, count times and probe current, to be used by CalcImage.
2a. Set up JEOL mapping (Analysis - Map Analysis):
(Measurement - Element Condition): Setup list of WDS elements (Element), use PFE peaking options to drive spectrometers to peak positions for each pass, then read positions using the JEOL mapping software (Condition) and set up for (in this case) two passes.
Make sure in IMS Signal Compo to read BSE brightness and contrast applicable to sample at mapping probe current.
2b. (EOS Condition) Set EOS using probe current, spot mode, and probe diameter for mapping.
2c. (EDS Condition) EDS parameters as needed for mapping run.
2d. (Stage Condition, position input, opens Area Input window) Drive to center of stage map area, click Read Store to Center, and enter map parameters (number of pixels, pixel size, dwell time), then Confirm and set z-axis focus at UR, LR, LL, and UL corners. Now *before* clicking Apply, select Special map - Free shape map. click New in Free Shape Map window; drive to start point and click JEOL joystick STOR button at each point to define polygon line boundary. When done click End (*not* Close!), should have free shape polygon as shown here. Click Ok. Now click Apply in Area Input window, Close.
2e. Use Measurement - Preset Measurement to run the maps.
2f. When done, as necessary, copy group-sample from JEOL Sun workstation to your PC. It is the .map directory that contains all the binary Jeol map data and the 0.cnd file used for parsing out the data. On your PC you may need to select folder options show hidden files in order to see directories starting with a dot (.).
3. Probe Image: File - Convert JEOL or Cameca etc. to Prbimg (temporary fix), navigate to location of .map and fine 0.cnd, follow directions from there to generate PrbImg files.
4. Use CalcImage to correct the maps!
Here is the result for an irregular polygon map collected by the JEOL software, processed by Probe Image and CalcImage (please login to see attachments).
This, coupled with the ability to generate all Surfer plots for all requested data in CalcImage, is a major step forward.